August 29, 2022
Program Coordinator Contact Information
Quality Assurance Specialist Contact Information
Find Your Child Care Resource Center
In general, we encourage programs and providers to seek help from
Program Coordinators when you need:
- Brief help navigating the Maryland EXCELS System and this assistance can be provided over the phone or via email;
- Guidance on the standards, documentation and Additional Achievements;
- Documents you have uploaded to be reviewed and rated; and
- To give feedback about the standards, website, or the online system.
Quality Assurance Specialists when you need:
- Face to face, on-site, or telephone/email support with the system, standards, or evidence including assistance with registering for Maryland EXCELS;
- Assistance with other MSDE initiatives such as: Maryland Accreditation, credential applications, CLASS/Maryland EXCELS Assessments, etc.;
- Assistance with scanning, uploading documents, and/or computer use; or
- Training or support related to Maryland EXCELS.
NOTE: Quality Assurance Specialists also conduct Continuous Quality Improvement Visits to published programs to verify implementation of Maryland EXCELS standards. QASs also provide follow up and technical assistance related to Continuous Quality Improvement Visit observations.
Child Care Resource Centers when you need:
- Assistance with Maryland Child Care Credential applications, accreditation, etc.;
- Assistance with scanning, uploading documents, and/or computer use;
- Approved professional development;
- Support and technical assistance related to licensing regulations;
- Early Childhood Mental Health and Behavior Consultation assistance; or
- Program improvement such as room arrangement.
24/7 Technology Support when you need:
- Assistance using the Maryland EXCELS System, such as resetting a password;
- Support with technology, such as Microsoft applications, tablets, etc.
Updated: March 2024