Why participate?

Research shows that quality child care and early learning experiences provide the building blocks for life-long learning. Early childhood and school-age professionals play a crucial role in creating the stable foundation that children need to be successful. By participating in Maryland EXCELS, programs are showing a commitment to quality and excellence.

Are you an early childhood, public prekindergarten or school-age child care program? Participate in Maryland EXCELS and join a community committed to demonstrating why quality matters every day.

Participating programs are recognized for their commitment to high-quality child care and early education. Quality ratings are available to families to help them make informed choices in the care and education of their children.

Our community is strong — as of January 2025, there are:

  • 5,260 participating programs and providers
  • 4,738 programs and providers with published quality ratings

Not only does participating with Maryland EXCELS benefit your program and the families you serve, but it offers easy-to-use professional development resources to guide you through the process of increasing your Maryland EXCELS rating level and to give you ideas and insight on how to continue to improve the quality of your program.