How to Participate in Maryland EXCELS

Maryland EXCELS uses nationally recognized quality standards and best practices to promote quality program improvement in Maryland’s Child Care Centers, School-Age Child Care programs, Family Child Care Homes and Public Prekindergarten programs. 

Check out our Because Quality Matters video to learn more about participating in Maryland EXCELS.

Because Quality Matters Video Transcript (English | Spanish)

The following programs are eligible to participate in Maryland EXCELS:

  • All licensed Child Care Centers (including School-Age Only and Letter of Compliance programs) and registered Family Child Care Homes that are open and operating. (Programs are eligible for Child Care Scholarship (Subsidy) reimbursement when the application has been submitted.)
  • Head Start programs licensed as Child Care Centers or operating under a school approval number.
  • Public Prekindergarten programs operating under a school approval number.

Learn how to become a licensed child care program by contacting your Regional Licensing Office

To complete a program application to participate in Maryland EXCELS, begin by logging into your user account or by creating a user account, if you do not already have one. For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Applying to Participate in Maryland EXCELS tutorial.

Log in/Create Account

Maryland Accreditation: Licensed Child Care Centers (including School-Age Only and Letter of Compliance programs), Head Start programs licensed as Child Care Centers or operating under a school approval number, and Public Prekindergarten programs operating under a school approval number are eligible to participate in Maryland Accreditation. For more information, visit About Maryland Accreditation.